Performance Optimization with CDN & Hosting Tuneup

A Content Delivery Network to Reduce Page Load Time Every Time and optimization of Hosting & Server.

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is crucial for performance optimization of your website. Its a shortcut that minimizes the geographic distance between your visitors and your website’s server to minimize page load time and maximize your customers’ experience. When extreme performance is required to push content to your CDN servers  (Akamai CDN), or enviable CDN speed is needed to deliver content quickly to your users  (Cloudflare® CDN), count on Liquid Web products to deliver.

Performance Optimization

Cloudflare Takes Performance to the Next Level

Cloudflare’s network spans thousands of servers and grows bigger every day. Adding Cloudflare can dramatically reduce your site’s page sizes and improve page load times thanks to the service’s web content optimization and caching features. You’ll also get the benefits of load balancing, which spreads the load across the entire Cloudflare network and can help your site handle traffic spikes better.

Akamai CDN for Your Server: Enterprise Service, Global Reach

If local servers don’t get your content fast enough, you’ve already lost the battle. Sites that need to actively push content to CDN servers in a hurry need the industry-leading Akamai Intelligent Platform. With local servers in more than 120 countries, Akamai is the world’s largest and most experienced CDN, offering enterprise-level solutions that can put your content within a single network hop of 90 percent of the world’s Internet users.



Website’s Hosting/Server Speed Optimization Service

Unlike our competition who do website and hosting/server optimization, we do not install a few plugins and call it a day. We also do not lie to you and sell you on artificial ‘Load Times’ that have absolutely nothing to do with what your site’s real users are actually experiencing. Further, we do not sell you grades on general best practices suggestions tools that do not correlate with your site’s real-world performance, rope you into services you do not need, or, manipulate you into a sales funnel designed to bamboozle you into ultimately paying ten times more than you thought you were going to.

Instead, through a painstaking process of testing numerous different performance configurations, we make your WordPress-powered website as fast as it can possibly be for your site’s real, human users.

The end result of our work is a custom-made, real-world, results-oriented performance architecture that is robust, self-maintaining, self-evolving and as automatic as possible so you can move on with the business of publishing content.

And, once your Complete Website Speed Optimization project is complete, it will literally be impossible for your website to be any faster.

Professional Website Hosting and Management Services
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